Saturday, January 24, 2009

Stop Being Negative!

Nobody wants to listen to anyone else crying about how bad their business is, how hard it is to find a job, or comments from those who make neutral statements about how challenging the economy is. WE ALL KNOW THAT! Stopt talking about it.

Stop being a sad sack. Get over yourself and get to work! Work two or three times as hard as you did two years ago, and stop crying about it. If bad things happen, deal with it then! Be prepared for them but, don't invite them into your life or your business by focusing so much on them. The universe sends back what you send into it....many times, in multiples.

Use your resources to generate positive energy. Good things don't just happen. Good things are created! So, wash off the negative vibes and go create a positive future!


Andrew Zezas, SIOR ©Template Nice Blue. Modified by Indian Monsters. Original created by